Employer Benefits
Employer FAQ
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Employer FAQ
Book A Meeting
Please complete and submit the form below if you wish to attend our presentation so you can discover if the Mema platform would be good for your company. We shall contact you to discuss the date and time, for the meeting, that should be convenient for all of us.
Mema pays meeting attendees, as much R150 per person, just for listening to our presentation!
If you attend our presentation you will learn, inter alia, (1) how Mema commits to every recruitment campaign and what commitment we expect from our clients. (2) The right way of engaging each of Mema’s three services. (3) How Mema’s novel cost saving system works in more detail. (4) How and how much we pay our client if it receives bad service.
Name & Surname:
Your e-mail address:
Your Position:
(E.g. HR Manager)
Company Name:
Company (staff) size:
1 – 10
11 – 50
51 – 200
201 – 500
501 – 1 000
1 001 – 5 000
5 001 – 10 000
10 001+
How do you recruit currently?:
(a) In-house recruiter/s (i.e. we have employee/s who specifically handle recruitment)
(b) Recruitment Firm/s only (we have no in-house recruiter)
(c) Staff that dabbles in recruitment (no dedicated internal recruiting staff)
(d) Both Internal Recruiters (a) and Recruitment Firm/s
(e) Both 'dabbling' staff (c) and Recruitment Firm/s
(f) None of the above
When will you be recruiting?:
Within the next 48 hours!
Within the next 30 days!
Within the next 60 to 90 days!
No short-term plan to hire new employee/s yet.
Number of offices in SA:
1 office
2 offices
3 offices
4 offices
more than 4 offices
no office in South Africa
Company type:
Website (URL):
Verification code:
Enter the code shown above in the box below