Welcome to Mema Referral - an online recruitment marketplace
A smarter way for Employers to work with Recruitment Agencies to fill permanent vacancies!
To learn more, visit: www.SArecruiters.co.za
Connecting employers with recruitment agencies
Mema is B2B a platform that connects Employers to a network of mostly micro Recruitment Agencies that have fewer than 10 employees. Mema simplifies and streamlines how the two parties collaborate to fill vacancies. Recruitment firms get to deliver value to clients, better in one place and access business opportunities without any sales effort on their part.
Mema supports the engagement of specialist and generalist Recruitment Agencies on a Contingency (no-win, no-pay) and Retained basis to fill permanent or contract vacancies that last for 12 or more months.
FREE sign up! One Contract! Deregister Anytime!
It’s FREE for Employers and Recruiting Firms to register and use the Mema platform. There’s a single set of Mema terms & conditions that protects all parties (Employers, Agencies and Mema). No long-term contract, users can unsubscribe from the Mema website anytime. No paperwork; no delay!
Simply post a job, set the placement fee you'll pay if you hire. Approve Agencies to work with. Receive CVs. If you hire Mema will bill you, keep a small share of the income and then pay the rest to a successful Agency.